Watershed Health Assessment Framework: Lakes
WHAF: Lakes

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SummarySummaryWater QualityQualityBiologyBiologyHydrologyHydrologyStewardshipStewardship

Lake Health

A healthy lake is one that is near its natural state. Water entering the lake has low levels of pollution. A healthy lake is protected by a natural shoreline and by investments in careful stewardship of the lake and its watershed (lakeshed).

The Lake Health Score is an average of the Water Quality, Biology, and Hydrology Lake Health Component Scores and is on a 0 to 100 scale.

Lake Health Score (): 45

Lake Health Grade: C

Lake Health Score Major Watershed Mean (): 46

Lake Health Score Major Watershed Min/Max: 20/80

Lake Health Component Scores

Water Quality Score: 50

Water Quality Score Major Watershed Mean: 37; Min/Max: 1/86

Biology Score: 18

Biology Score Major Watershed Mean: 25; Min/Max: 0/75

Hydrology Score: 61

Hydrology Score Major Watershed Mean: 64; Min/Max: 16/96

Component Input Status

Each component score is created by combining data inputs. Some of these data inputs have a target value labeled a 'goal' or 'threshold'. If an input value is:

  • "Below (Goal or Threshold)", the condition for the lake has degraded to the point that it may not support one or more desired outcomes (e.g., water clarity quality, natural diversity of plants and animals).
  • "At or Above (Goal or Threshold)", the condition for the lake currently meets or exceeds the minimum criteria to support these desired outcomes.

Water Quality

Phosphorus: At or Above Goal

Water Clarity: At or Above Goal


Fish Community Quality: Below Threshold

Lake Plant Community Quality: Below Threshold

Lake Basics

Riley (10000200) Basics

Area (acres)296
Lakeshed Area (acres)5,380
Maximum Depth (feet)49
Maximum Depth (meters)14.9
Mean Depth (feet)20
Mean Depth (meters)6.2
Littoral Area (acres)110
Shoreline (miles)3.2
Water Body ClassLake or Pond
Managed Fisheries LakeYes
Lake Finder Open Lake Finder to Lake, opens in a new window
BasinMinnesota (0702)
MajorLower Minnesota River (33)
Catchment ID3311701
County (Majority)Carver
County (Percent)Carver: 59%
County (Percent)Hennepin: 41%

Riley (10000200) Metrics

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