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snippet: This dataset shows seven general categories of government land ownership: federal, state, regional government, county fee, municipal, tax forfeit and port authority.
summary: This dataset shows seven general categories of government land ownership: federal, state, regional government, county fee, municipal, tax forfeit and port authority.
extent: [[-97.2698643033953,43.4353843588883],[-89.3971195198901,49.4045362223117]]
accessInformation: MNDNR, MNGEO
thumbnail: thumbnail/thumbnail.png
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
description: This dataset shows seven general categories of government land ownership: federal, state, regional government, county fee, municipal, tax forfeit and port authority. An existing aggregated parcel dataset was used as the starting point. The OWNER_NAME and TAX_NAME fields were queried to select parcels that were owned by government agencies and to then populate the ownership field with the appropriate general category. Only the parcels with government land ownership were retained for this dataset. The existing parcel dataset contained county parcel data from Minnesota's 87 counties that were aggregated to create a statewide dataset. For more information, see the documentation:
title: Government Lands of Minnesota
type: Map Service
tags: ["Public","government","land"]
culture: en-US
name: government_ownership_parcels
guid: 5B0F120B-2B27-4416-ADFD-ABAF83ACCAC8
spatialReference: NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_15N